Fix & Flip / New Construction ApplicationWe’d love to get to know about you and your project to see if we can be of help. Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone Number * Date of Birth * Business Name Business Address Credit Score? * Entity Sole Proprietorship General Partnership Limited Partnership, LLC C Corporation S Corporation What is your primary focus in real estate? * Number of properties you've invested in over the past 2 years? * Primary market area you operate in? * Would you like information on our trusted partners we use for our investments? Yes No Average construction/renovation budget on past projects? * How many hard money/private money loans have you received over the past 2 years? * Have you ever had a loan default or forclosure? * Yes No Have you ever filed for bankruptcy? * Yes No Are there any outstanding judgments against you? * Yes No Subject Property Address * Purchase Price * Renovation Price * Loan Amount Wanted * How long do you expect it will take to repay the loan? * Close Date? * Who is your contractor? * Brief Description of Repairs? * Do you plan on selling or refinancing? * ARV? * Acknowledgement that you have the right to any means we use to validate the value of the subject property, now or in the future. * Yes No Title Company Email Address * Thank you for filling our form out! We will be in touch with you within 24 hours!